Houteff Against Alternative Medicine – Davidian History Day

(Podcast Version – Follow/Subscribe) It’s October 25 – Davidian History Day! Davidian history is just so fascinating; there are so many things that could be discussed and written about. But given that we’re in the midst of a global pandemic, it’s fitting this year to write about health. Victor Houteff, who (for those who don’t […]


The Health Principle Recommended by Heaven

The Health Principle Recommended by Heaven A study related to the SDA Sabbath School Lesson for 2021, 3rd Quarter Rest In Christ Week 8 by Mary Zebrowski Edited by Trent Wilde This week’s lesson is entitled, “Free to Rest,” and discusses the challenges of “resting” when we or our loved ones are sick, and our […]


When You Said, “The COVID Vaccines Aren’t FDA-Approved!” …

(Podcast Version – Follow/Subscribe) Today, the Pfizer vaccine received official FDA-Approved status. Some who have decided to not get vaccinated have pointed to the fact that the vaccines are not FDA-approved. If you are someone who offered this as a reason for not getting vaccinated, I especially hope that you will consider what I have […]


Vaccines (Including COVID Vaccines) Are Safe And Effective

(Podcast Version – Follow/Subscribe) I understand being anti-vax. The reason is that I used to be anti-vax myself. And I maintained that view for a number of years. Eventually, though, I had to come to terms with the fact that my reasons were not based on demonstrable knowledge about vaccines or the diseases they were […]


Should You Use That Remedy For That Ailment?

(Podcast Version – Follow/Subscribe) Occasionally, I’m asked what I think about using some particular remedy for some particular ailment. In such cases, my main goal is to help the questioner understand the principles of “the health message.” Starting in 1863, Ellen White and other messengers have had a message to bear regarding health. Unfortunately, many […]


Why I Removed Cochrane Resources From Our Resources Page

(Podcast Version – follow/subscribe) I recently removed the following two links from our Resources Page: Cochrane Cochrane Library I still consider these links to be potentially useful. So, why did I remove them? The bottom line is that while Cochrane resources can be valuable if used critically, they can also lead people to incorrect conclusions if used […]


Is Your “Faith” Actually Presumption?

A study related to the SDA Sabbath School Lesson for 2021, 3rd Quarter Rest In Christ Week 2 by Mary Zebrowski Edited by Trent Wilde This week’s lesson is entitled, “Restless and Rebellious.” Thursday’s lesson is entitled “Faith Verses Presumption,” and asks, “Think about a time you acted on faith and a time you acted […]


What Does the Branch Davidian Message Say To Conspiracy Theories?

by Trent Wilde What does the Branch Davidian message have to say regarding conspiracy theories? The bottom line is that conspiracy theories are inconsistent with certain fundamental principles promoted by the Branch message. Here are some of those principles: 1. Reality is strictly physical/material. (See Why We Need Materialism and FAQ.) 2. What it means […]


Miss Misinformation and Lady Learning

Beware of Miss Misinformation She’s a “Yes And” Lady She’s agreeable Though unseeable, she has tailor-made news oh she’s baseless and shady with a deadly ruse; beware of bias confirmation She walks down your street and gives you her hand decked out like a hottie with a naughty glance Her lips drip of honey and […]


Why We Need Materialism

Why We Need Materialism by Trent Wilde Philosophical Materialism is not the over-zealous desire to accumulate possessions. No, it is a position on the fundamental nature of reality which holds that all that exists is made up of matter, or physical stuff – stuff which takes up space, has mass, density, and other physical properties. […]
