PERSONALITY OF GOD. ___________ by James White (Click here for a scan of the original.) {1.1} MAN was made in the image of God. “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him.” Genesis 1:26, […]
Tag Archives: omnipresence
The Denial of Time
(Podcast Version – Follow/Subscribe) This post continues where we left off in the last post with material from Are You Minding What Matters? Lesson Three: Our Moral Possibility (though there’s a section at the end not found in Are You Minding What Matters?). The question at hand is whether it is possible to become more […]
How Could “The Invisible Christ” Be A Female?
Question: Please explain the SDA doctrine of the personality of God and harmonize the following statement from Victor Houteff, wherein he says the Holy Spirit is the invisible Christ, with what you are teaching that the Holy Spirit is a Female. Thus “holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” 2 […]
The Holy Spirit A Person by R. A. Underwood
The Holy Spirit A Person by R. A. Underwood 1898 Introduction (by Trent Wilde) This series of articles by Rufus Underwood represents one of the earliest SDA expositions in favor of the doctrine that the Holy Spirit is a person. As such, it serves as an important window into the meaning of this doctrine to […]
The Personality of God by D.M. Canright
(PDF) Introduction: by Trent Wilde The phrase “The Personality of God” was used by early Seventh-day Adventists to refer to their distinct doctrine of God. In the period immediately following the Great Disappointment, this was among the earliest doctrines that united those who would go on to found the SDA denomination; it preceded even the […]
Is God Everywhere at Once?
A study related to the SDA Sabbath School Lesson for 2021, 2nd Quarter The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant Week 11 by Mary Zebrowski Edited by Trent Wilde This week’s lesson is entitled, “New Covenant Sanctuary.” Sunday’s lesson is entitled, “Relationships,” and discusses the reason why God wanted His people to build a sanctuary on earth, […]
Similarity of the Doctrines of Modern Churches and those of Infidels
Similarity of the Doctrines of Modern Churches and those of Infidels by Daniel.W. Hull [taken from Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, July 7, 1859] I HOPE the intelligent reader will not think for a moment that the following remarks were prompted by any ill feelings whatever towards any church; for it is not the case. […]
Materialism: Our Forgotten Foundation
The purpose of this booklet is to bring to the attention of the Advent people, both ministers and laypersons alike, to one of the oft-forgotten foundations of our faith; that being, materialism. In short, our faith as Seventh-day Adventists has been built within the framework of philosophical materialism, the belief that all things in the […]