What Jesus Taught About Doing Right And Wrong

by Trent Wilde Introduction Jesus’ Emphasis on Practical Morality ○       Jesus Continued John the Baptist’s Teaching About Repentance ○       Jesus Valued Obedience to God More Than Association with Himself ○       To Hear and Do vs To Hear and Not Do ○       Curing (Not Reconceptualizing) Sinners ○      […]


Jeremiah Against Orthodoxy (Ancient and Modern)

The message of the prophet Jeremiah repudiated the orthodoxy of his day, and it repudiates the orthodoxy of our day. In doing so, it also positively teaches us some valuable lessons. Before getting into that, though, let’s go over a few important facts about Jeremiah. The When – Jeremiah delivered his message during the last […]


Is it Possible for us in our Human Nature to be Moral All of the Time?

Question: Yes, we can be moral some of the time, but is it really possible to be moral all of the time? . Answer (by Melissa DiLernia): This is a great question, and the answer holds so much promise for the futures of both you and me, as well as the whole entire world! While one hundred percent morality […]
