What Did Ellen White Teach About the Personality of the Holy Spirit?

Question: What did Ellen White teach about the personality of the Holy Spirit? Answer: (by Teresa Wilde and Trent Wilde) The answer to this question is closely connected with another question we’ve already answered: “What is the early SDA doctrine of the Personality of God?” (Please read this article. It’s very short and provides the […]


She is a Tree of Life

She is a Tree of Life STUDY AIM: To lighten the way of the tree of life, that all who will may eat thereof. GEM THOUGHT: “Happy is the man who finds Wisdom… Length of days is in Her right hand. in Her left hand riches and honor. Her ways are the ways of pleasantness, […]


The Female Lamb Without Defect

The Female Lamb Without Defect A study related to the SDA Sabbath School Lesson for 2021, 3rd Quarter Rest In Christ Week 11 by Mary Zebrowski Edited by Trent Wilde This week’s lesson is entitled, “Longing for More,” and discusses the significance of “types” in the bible. A “type,” as the quarterly points out, can […]


By His Spirit

IN 1844, Ellen G. White, a young woman of 17, received the Gift of the Spirit of Prophecy (Eph. 4:11; Rev. 12:17; 19:10) in an era of America when women were beginning to awaken to the awareness of equal rights with men. EMERGING from the “dark ages” of their suppression, women began to identify with […]


As An Eagle

“And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep AND THE SPIRIT OF GOD MOVED UPON THE FACE OF THE WATERS.” Gen. 1:2 “AS AN EAGLE stirreth up HER nest, fluttereth over HER young, spreadeth abroad HER wings, taketh them, beareth them on HER wings: so the […]


Behold Thy Mother – Part 3

PART III Behold Thy Mother THE END…………..FROM THE BEGINNING (Isaiah 41:4) IN THE SACRIFICIAL LAW IN TYPE AND ANTITYPE Copyright, August 1, 1980 by Lois I. Roden All Rights Reserved (All parentheses and emphases ours unless stated otherwise) LIVING WATERS P.O. Box 4666 Bellmead, Texas 76705 Phone: 1-817-863-5325 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA […]


Behold Thy Mother – Part 2

PART II Behold Thy Mother THE END . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FROM THE BEGINNING (Isaiah 41:4) IN THE CEREMONIAL LAW IN TYPE AND ANTITYPE GENERAL CONFERENCE SPECIAL EDITION 1980 Copyright, April 1, 1980 by Lois I. Roden All Rights Reserved (All parentheses […]


A Woman Named Wisdom

A Woman Named Wisdom by Mary Zebrowski “Wisdom is justified of all HER children.” Luke 7:35 Who is this woman Jesus calls Wisdom? We know Wisdom is the Holy Spirit from comparing the following scriptures: LK 11:49 “For this reason also the wisdom of God said, ‘ I will send to them prophets and apostles, […]


Behold Thy Mother – Part 1

Behold Thy Mother THE END . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FROM THE BEGINNING Isaiah 41:4 GENERAL CONFERENCE SPECIAL EDITION 1980 “The Lord shall go forth as a mighty man, he shall stir up jealousy like a man of war: HE […]
