(Podcast Version – Follow/Subscribe) In the last two posts, I explained 1st) the early SDA doctrine of the personality of God and 2nd) Ellen White’s teaching regarding whether or not the Holy Spirit is a person. In this post (and probably for a few more), we’ll be continuing with the same basic topic. More specifically, […]
Tag Archives: author Trent Wilde
What Did Ellen White Teach About the Personality of the Holy Spirit?
(Podcast Version – Follow/Subscribe) What did Ellen White teach about the personality of the Holy Spirit? This question is closely connected to the question we addressed in the last post. As a reminder, the question last time was “What is the SDA doctrine of the Personality of God?” Also like the last post, the answer […]
What Did Ellen White Teach About the Personality of the Holy Spirit?
Question: What did Ellen White teach about the personality of the Holy Spirit? Answer: (by Teresa Wilde and Trent Wilde) The answer to this question is closely connected with another question we’ve already answered: “What is the early SDA doctrine of the Personality of God?” (Please read this article. It’s very short and provides the […]
What is the SDA Doctrine of the Personality of God?
(Podcast Version – Follow/Subscribe) In my last post, I mentioned a short article that my wife and I wrote answering the question, “What is the SDA doctrine of the Personality of God?” If you don’t know much about the subject, it’s easy to pass it by without giving it much thought. But it’s actually a […]
Offerings of Truth from the Feast of Tabernacles 2021
(Podcast Version – Follow/Subscribe) We just finished celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles, and I have some cool things to share with you all. A few of us Branch Davidians (or “branches” as we say) finished some projects during the feast. This is actually one of the purposes of the feasts – offerings; not offerings of […]
What is the SDA doctrine of the Personality of God?
Question: What is the SDA doctrine of the Personality of God? Answer: (by Teresa and Trent Wilde) Whatever it may be, Ellen White called it a foundation truth that “is everything to us as a people.” This tells us a couple of things: 1. It’s supremely important. 2. It was understood by the SDA people […]
Houteff Against Alternative Medicine – Davidian History Day
(Podcast Version – Follow/Subscribe) It’s October 25 – Davidian History Day! Davidian history is just so fascinating; there are so many things that could be discussed and written about. But given that we’re in the midst of a global pandemic, it’s fitting this year to write about health. Victor Houteff, who (for those who don’t […]
What Happened on Oct. 22, 1844 is Not Immaterial
(Podcast Version – Follow/Subscribe) (PDF) Today (Oct. 17, 2021) is the Day of Atonement. 177 years ago, many thousands were expecting Jesus to return on this day, but their hopes were disappointed. October 22, 1844, went down in the history books as The Great Disappointment. A small portion of those disappointed ones went on to […]
How Can We Know Things About The Past?
(Podcast Version – Follow/Subscribe) I’ve been asked how we can know that Jesus really existed. I’ll start by addressing how we can know anything about the past since the principles are the same for both issues. Also, while some might want to deny the existence of the historical man Jesus, most wouldn’t deny the existence […]
Are There Literal Translations? (continued exchange with Edward D. Andrews)
(Podcast Version – Follow/Subscribe) This post continues an exhange I’ve been having with Edward D. Andrews regarding translating Genesis 1:1 and translation philosophy. You can read our exchange in order by following these links: my original post > his blog post replying to my original post > my reply > his comment (scroll down to […]