Who Is Wisdom? (For Davidians Seeking Extra Oil)

If you are currently persuaded, as I once was, that there is to be no more light for God’s people beyond the teachings of Victor Houteff (at least until the Kingdom is established), then I recommend for you to read our article The End of Davidian Quiescence before reading this. If, on the other hand, […]


A Heart-to-Heart

Do the hungry need to be told to eat? Do the thirsty need to be told to drink? The Word said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” – Matthew 5:6 (WEB) And Wisdom says, “Woe to those who don’t consume it.” Why, then, do you need to […]


Spirit Demystified

by Trent Wilde Today, the word “spirit” usually means something non-physical. The “spirit” of a person is thought to be the immaterial part of them – sometimes equated with the soul. The “spiritual realm” is considered to be a plane of existence beyond the bounds of space and time. When reading English translations of the […]


Why This Over That?

Why do you go with this over that? Why do you enlist where you’re at? Is it finding happy feelings? …avoiding awkward dealings? Is your measure      pain against pleasure,      labor against leisure,      …truth against treasure? Maybe you’re seeking healing or just taking whatever’s appealing in the moment. But the bestowment of “go with the flow” […]


Cheers for the man who… – “Psalm 1” (NABT)

This is the beginning of our line-by-line examination of the poem Cheers For The Man (better known as Psalm 1) as it is found in Not A Bible Translation. See the previous post (and corresponding podcast episode) to read the full poem and to learn why I made this translation, along with the broad strokes […]


Not A Bible Translation of “Psalm 1”

(Corresponding Podcast Episode – Follow/Subscribe to the Podcast) Poetry is meant to be pondered. It contains more treasure than what is apparent on the surface. Uncovering the hidden gems takes some time and effort, but this is no drudgery to a lover of wisdom. There is delight in discovery and elation in exercise. If you […]


Before Spirit Was Spiritualistic: Philosophical Materialism from Genesis to Jesus (Series Info and Videos) – April-May 2023

(Corresponding Podcast – Follow Podcast) Before Spirit Was Spiritualistic: Philosophical Materialism from Genesis to Jesus ← This is the title of a series of talks we hosted and published over seven Saturdays, from April 8 to May 20, 2023. What’s the series about? It’s about Jesus and his philosophical predecessors and successors and how they […]


The Not To Be Attitudes

Blessed are the poor in spirit, but woe to those who make humility a protector of sin. Blessed are the pure in heart, but woe to those who take refuge in good intentions. Blessed are the peacemakers, but woe to those who compromise truth to avoid conflict. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for […]


Jeremiah Against Orthodoxy (Ancient and Modern)

The message of the prophet Jeremiah repudiated the orthodoxy of his day, and it repudiates the orthodoxy of our day. In doing so, it also positively teaches us some valuable lessons. Before getting into that, though, let’s go over a few important facts about Jeremiah. The When – Jeremiah delivered his message during the last […]


Who May Travel Into Yahweh’s Tent?

(Podcast Version – Follow/Subscribe) I’ve recently been writing about a philosophy within ancient Israel that understood Yahweh to be the God of Truth and truth itself to be the supreme principle. This was actually part of the materialist school in ancient Israel. If you aren’t familiar with ancient Israelite materialism, I recommend reading/listening to the […]
