How Does Jesus’ Sacrifice Relate to Animal Sacrifice? Part 1

A study related to the SDA Sabbath School Lesson for 2021, 2nd Quarter The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant Week 6 by Mary Zebrowski Edited by Trent Wilde This week’s lesson is entitled, “Abraham’s Seed,” and studies the remnant of God’s people who have kept God’s covenant over the ages. Friday’s first discussion question reads, “In […]


What Does it Mean to “Believe in Jesus” as a Means to Salvation?

A study related to the SDA Sabbath School Lesson for 2021, 2nd Quarter The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant Week 5 by Mary Zebrowski Edited by Trent Wilde This week’s lesson is entitled, “Children of the Promise,” and discusses how all the families of the earth were to be blessed through Abraham’s seed. Tuesday’s lesson is […]


Jesus’ New Name and Why We Need to Know It!

A study related to the SDA Sabbath School Lesson for 2021, 2nd Quarter The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant Week 4 by Mary Zebrowski Edited by Trent Wilde This week’s lesson is entitled, “An Everlasting Covenant” and takes a look at the names of God. The “Week at a Glance” segment for Sabbath afternoon asks, “What […]


And the Earth Swallowed the Flood

A study related to the SDA Sabbath School Lesson for 2021, 2nd Quarter The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant Week 3 by Mary Zebrowski Edited by Trent Wilde This week’s lesson is entitled, “All Future Generations,” and discusses the covenant God made with Noah, his family, and humanity before and after the flood. Before the flood, […]


The New Covenant and Our End of the Bargain

The New Covenant and Our End of the Bargain A study related to the SDA Sabbath School Lesson for 2021, 2nd Quarter The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant Week 2 by Mary Zebrowski edited by Trent Wilde This week’s lesson is entitled, “Covenant Primer,” and begins by saying this: “This week is a quick summary of […]


Elohim: A Plurality Of At Least 1 Male and 1 Female God

Elohim: A Plurality Of At Least 1 Male and 1 Female God A study related to the SDA Sabbath School Lesson for 2021, 2nd Quarter The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant Week 1 by Mary Zebrowski edited by Trent Wilde This week’s lesson is entitled, “What Happened?” and looks at the stories in Genesis 1 and […]


A Woman Named Wisdom

A Woman Named Wisdom by Mary Zebrowski “Wisdom is justified of all HER children.” Luke 7:35 Who is this woman Jesus calls Wisdom? We know Wisdom is the Holy Spirit from comparing the following scriptures: LK 11:49 “For this reason also the wisdom of God said, ‘ I will send to them prophets and apostles, […]
