Materialism or Immaterialism?

(Podcast Version – Follow/Subscribe) I’ve been working on an article called Are You Minding What Matters? for several months now. I haven’t posted any of it on the site yet, but I figured I’d do so now. The article is composed of several “lessons” the first of which is regarding the nature of reality. Here it is: […]


Genesis 1:1 – In What Beginning?!

(Podcast Version – Follow/Subscribe) “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” King James Version of Genesis 1:1 Is this the best way to translate the opening clause of Genesis? It’s certainly how the vast majority of English translations have done it since Wycliffe’s translation back in the 14th century. But, of course, […]


Vaccines (Including COVID Vaccines) Are Safe And Effective

(Podcast Version – Follow/Subscribe) I understand being anti-vax. The reason is that I used to be anti-vax myself. And I maintained that view for a number of years. Eventually, though, I had to come to terms with the fact that my reasons were not based on demonstrable knowledge about vaccines or the diseases they were […]


Should You Use That Remedy For That Ailment?

(Podcast Version – Follow/Subscribe) Occasionally, I’m asked what I think about using some particular remedy for some particular ailment. In such cases, my main goal is to help the questioner understand the principles of “the health message.” Starting in 1863, Ellen White and other messengers have had a message to bear regarding health. Unfortunately, many […]


1st and 2nd Ezekiel?

(Podcast Version – Follow/Subscribe) You’re probably familiar with 1st and 2nd Samuel, 1st and 2nd Kings, 1st and 2nd Corinthians, and maybe even 1st and 2nd Esdras (from the Apocrypha), but how about 1st and 2nd Ezekiel? No? No worries; most have never heard of it. But back in the first century C.E., it was […]


Mirrors of Self-Examination

(Podcast Version – follow/subscribe) The other day, Teresa and I were listening to Ellen White’s book Education and came across this statement: The mind, the heart, that is indolent, aimless, falls an easy prey to evil. {Ed 189.5} It made me think of the trouble some have in keeping the mind from wandering during self-examination. As you […]


Why I Removed Cochrane Resources From Our Resources Page

(Podcast Version – follow/subscribe) I recently removed the following two links from our Resources Page: Cochrane Cochrane Library I still consider these links to be potentially useful. So, why did I remove them? The bottom line is that while Cochrane resources can be valuable if used critically, they can also lead people to incorrect conclusions if used […]


Welcome to the Blog!

(Podcast Version – follow/subscribe) Welcome! I figure I should start by explaining why I’m starting this blog and what you can expect. Why I’m starting this blog: I regularly find myself having things worth sharing, but that aren’t necessarily suited for a full article or video. Before now, I’ve sometimes posted that sort of thing […]


A Vision of Christ (Ode 36)

An Explication of Ode 36of the Odes of “Solomon”by Trent Wilde The New Moon Messagesof the 12th, 13th and 1st MonthsFebruary 14, March 15, and April 14, 2021(Click Here for a PDF version of this article.) Words sweet as honey as the melodious tweet of birds Taste of morning sunlight with knowledge-giving curds What beauty is […]
