Behold Thy Mother – Part 1

Behold Thy Mother THE END . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FROM THE BEGINNING Isaiah 41:4 GENERAL CONFERENCE SPECIAL EDITION 1980 “The Lord shall go forth as a mighty man, he shall stir up jealousy like a man of war: HE […]


A Change in the Priesthood – A Change in the Law

This publication is an edited extract from the second volume of a periodical we publish called The Silver Trumpet. In that volume, the contents of this booklet constitute introductory material for a related subject – ritual purity in type and antitype. Since this introductory material is, in many ways, a subject of its own, and […]



1. Are you David Koresh’s Davidians? No. We are in no way connected with David Koresh. We do not share his theology or condone his actions. It is quite unfortunate that this question is often the first to arise and we regret that it is the first in need of answering. That said, it must […]


Victor Houteff

Victor Tasho Houteff was a man concerning whom there has always been, and continues to be, much controversy. The very mention of his name or of his message often excites fierce opposition, even to the point of violence at the hands of men who profess to be followers, or even ministers, of God. On one […]


The Lost Gospel of Christ

Whoever you are, you have most likely heard people talk about “the gospel,” and perhaps, you talk about it yourself from time to time, or even very often. You probably have some sort of idea in your mind as to what it is. But then, you also realize that most who claim to believe in […]
