No Steps but a Lifted Heel

No Steps but a Lifted Heel

An Open Letter to Present Truth Believers

and a Thanksgiving Hymn

by Trent Wilde

New Moon

of the Second Month

April 26, 2020


Today is the New Moon and I have been burdened to bear a message to you who have, at one point or another, either professed to believe the present message as a whole, or voiced great interest and have accepted at least some of its doctrines. I can’t imagine any of you are unaware of the repeated calls to action over the past year and a half. Starting in the late summer of 2018, our Heavenly Family brought an end to our conference calls and gave us the Achieving Activism Facebook group instead. Ever since, They have been pleading with each of you to join and engage in the work through Their appointed means. This group is specifically designed to equip us with the skills we need in order to change the world. We have had many new moons and feasts since Achieving Activism started, and they too have been geared toward activism. Some new moon messages have been sent only to those within Achieving Activism for the reason that those who have not joined are manifesting that they are not putting the light they receive to use. Why would our Heavenly Family give more and more light to those who do not let it shine? If we do not let the light we receive shine through our efforts to share it, we snuff it out and that light becomes darkness and “if the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!”

Wisdom is not interested in satisfying the curiosity of those who stand idle in the marketplace. There is a world to save and She is crying out to all who have ears for hearing to enter into Her school and take up Her work. Her most recent call came last new moon in which She delivered the words of Her Brother, “Follow Me.” Have you read that message? If not, why not? If so, why did you not respond to the call? It is truly heartbreaking that there was next to no response. If you profess to believe this message, it is a profession that you acknowledge these very pleadings to be the message from our Heavenly Family to you. Does it not alarm you that you could hear Their pleadings and yet not respond? Or is it that you do not believe the message? The sad reality is that if you do not respond soon, our Heavenly Family will soon cease to plead with you and will turn to gathering others who will hear Their call. This process has already begun. In fact, I literally just received an email response to “Follow Me” while writing the first paragraph of this letter. Was it from a professor of present truth? No. It was from someone who isn’t even an Adventist. Here is the message:


Thanks for your article Follow Me. It was just what I needed to start me thinking about my place in this world and what level of commitment to our Creator I have. Is there any guidance you could give me that would help me understand the bdsda perspective for a non-SDA who is very interested in a real commitment to Jesus Christ?


Our Heavenly Family is seeking to bring an end to sin and to establish Their Kingdom of righteousness. They need people. They have been calling you for as long as you have heard the message. You have received more light than the person who sent me the above message, but have you also snuffed out more light by your inactivity? Every time our Heavenly Family reaches out to us, we have an opportunity to make our hearts more receptive to Their calls, or to make them more hard and impenetrable. “Follow Me” may be the first portion of the message ever read by the person who sent me the above email. Yet, their heart was stirred and they responded. To those of you who have not been responding to our Heavenly Family’s calls and keeping pace with Their leadings, the word of Christ to you is:

But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember then from what you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent. – Revelation 2:4-5

Once again, if the light in you is darkness, how great is that darkness! If you continue to harden your hearts by not responding to our Heavenly Family’s message, you will turn against Their message! I have warned you of this before – years ago on the conference calls.

The very first new moon message after the creation of Achieving Activism was going through a portion of a Thanksgiving Hymn (in column 14 of 1QHa). The message was sent only to those in the Achieving Activism group. Today, I place before you the immediately preceding portion of the Thanksgiving Hymns (from column 13). The content of both columns most likely comes from the same hymn. The hymn reflects an unfortunate reality in the days of the Teacher of Righteousness. He was grateful to the Lord for granting such incredible blessings to the poor and wretched of the world; that is, the blessing of being joined to the counsel of truth – yet… not all who were joined to the truth by profession were joined to it in deed and in truth. Those who joined his covenant and consumed his message held tight to their own hearts’ desires instead of exchanging them for the way of Yahwehs’ heart. They thus turned against both the Teacher and the Lord by complaints and murmurings. This was greatly disturbing to the Teacher of Righteousness (and to the Lord). The darkness prevailed to such an extent that the Teacher’s tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth, as it were. In other words, there was nothing else he could say to them – no more words of inspiration to flow from his lips for their benefit. Their darkness deepened and they cast their shadows upon the Teacher, bringing against him false accusations and strife. These dark deeds are the inevitable result of refusing to respond to the pleadings of Wisdom and following Her counsel in deed and in truth. I invite you to read now the words of the Teacher of Righteousness and contemplate deeply how the hymn applies today and how it relates to your own response, or lack of response, to our Heavenly Family’s present-truth pleadings.

1QHa Col. 131

22 Blessed are you, O Lord,

because you did not abandon the orphan;

And did not scorn the wretched one.

For your might (is) with[out en]d

and your glory

23 (is) without measure,

and the wonderful mighty ones (are) your ministers.

And a people (who are) poor ones

(are) among those who sweep away [yo]ur footprints

[together] with those who are eager

24 for righteousness to rise from the tumult

together (with) all the merciful poor ones.

But I have been a target for strife […]

25 and a cause for contention to my friends,

jealousy and anger to those who enter into

my covenant,

and murmuring and complaint to all my assembled ones.

Ev[en those who e]at my bread

26 have lifted up the heel against me.

And all those bound to my council have

defamed me with deceitful lips.

And the men of my [covena]nt are rebellious.

27 And they complain round about.

And because you concealed the secret in me,

they go about slandering to the sons of destruction.

And for the sake of showing [your] mig[ht] in me,

and because of 28 their guilt,

you have hidden the fountain of discernment

and the secret of truth.

But they think (only about) the desires of their heart.

[And the words of Be]lial have opened 29 a deceitful tongue

like the venom of dragons, shooting forth to the extremities.

And like the reptiles of dust they spit,

to shoot the poison of cobras

30 that cannot be charmed.

And it becomes an incurable pain,

and the grave affliction in the entrails of your servant,

making [the bre]ath fail,

and making an end 31 of strength so as to not stand firm in place.

And they overtook me in narrow places

where there is no escape,

and not ….

And they sounded forth the charge against me 32 on the lyre,

and in verses of harmony together their complaints.

With storm and raging storm they seized me,

and tribulations like pains of

33 a woman giving birth (overwhelmed me).

And my heart grumbles against me.

(With) darkness I am clothed,

and my tongue sticks to (my) palate,

since I am surrounded by the desires of their heart,

and their inclination 34 appeared to me as bitterness,

and the light of my face is darkened into gloominess,

and my majesty is turned into blackness.

But you, O my God,

35 you opened a spacious place in my heart.

But they increased the narrowness;

And they shut me up in the shadows.

And I ate the bread of my sighing,

36 and my drink is tears without end.

For my eyes are dimmed from grief,

and my being by the bitterness of the day.

Sighing and grief 37 surround me,

and shame is over my face.

And my bread is turned for me into a dispute,

and my drink into an owner of confrontations.

And it enters my bones

38 to make my breath fail,

and to annihilate strength,

as the mysteries of transgression are altering

the works of God with their guilt.

For I was bound with ropes

39 (that) cannot be cut off,

and (with) chains (that) cannot be broken,

and a strong wall [(was) against me],

and bars of iron,

and [shielding] doors [that cannot]

40 [be opened].

My prison with the depths is considered without […]

41 [And the devices of] Belial encompass my

being without [es]ca[pe …].

While this is truly dire, there is still hope for you, but only if you continuously walk in the way of Yahwehs’ heart. As I mentioned earlier, this hymn is most likely the first part of the hymn contained in the next column of 1QHa (Col. 14). Even though the new moon message on that column was originally intended only for those in the Achieving Activism Facebook group, our Heavenly Family in Their great mercy is making it available to you. That new moon message is the “second” half to this new moon message. By listening to that new moon message (which was presented as an audio recording) you will hear about the hope that exists for you if you respond to our Heavenly Family’s pleadings. They want you to get a small taste of what you have been missing by not keeping pace. The teacher’s tongue has sung for some while palate-clung for others. They want you to hear and sing and do and live.

Once you have carefully and prayerfully pondered this letter and the first part of the Thanksgiving Hymn (above), please follow this link to hear the New Moon message from 2018 containing “Part 2”:

1The translation here is mostly taken from The Qumran Psalter by James Charlesworth, though with some changes following The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition by Florentino Martinez and Eibert Tigchelaar and a few of my own working directly from the Hebrew.
