Ancient Texts and Commentaries

The articles on this page each focus on specific ancient texts in one way or another. Some articles, like The Mosaic Torah, discuss the authorship and composition of the text in question, while others provide commentary or explain present-day lessons to be gained from these ancient writings. They have been arranged very generally in order from most to least ancient. All the articles were written by Trent Wilde.

The Torah/Pentateuch

The Mosaic Torah


Psalm 35: The Folly of David’s Accusers


Present Truth Lessons from Hosea 1-3
The King of Crises in the SDA Church


The Graciousness of Glory
The Sprouting of the Kingdom


Who Is Your Shepherd?


The Flying Scroll

Thanksgiving Hymns

Wonders with Dust
No Steps but a Lifted Heel

Misc Qumran Literature

Barki Nafshi

Maccabean Literature

4 Maccabees: On the Supremacy of Reason

The Odes of “Solomon”

The Odes Shall Not Be Silent (Odes 26 and 12)
A Vision of Christ (Ode 36)
