From 1933-1955, Victor Houteff wrote a series of tracts on various topics primarily related to the purification of the church and the restoration of the Davidic Kingdom. These tracts represent the most comprehensive embodiments of Victor Houteff’s message in addition to The Shepherd’s Rod Volumes 1 & 2.
Tract No. 1: Pre-“Eleventh Hour” Extra
Tract No. 2: The Great Paradox of the Ages
Tract No. 3: The Judgment and the Harvest
Tract No. 4: The Latest News For “Mother”
Tract No. 5: Final Warning
Tract No. 6: Why Perish?
Tract No. 7: The Great Controversy Over “The Shepherd’s Rod”
Tract No. 8: Mount Sion at the Eleventh Hour
Tract No. 9: “Behold, I Make All Things New”
Tract No. 10: The Sign of Jonah
Tract No. 11: God’s Titles Not Restricted to One Language
Tract No. 12: The World Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Tract No. 13: Christ’s Greetings to You
Tract No. 14: War News Forecast
Tract No. 15: To The Seven Churches
Tract No. 16: At The 11th Hour