This is an experimental advanced search. There are a couple of options as to how you can use it.
- You can select any combination of tags and then click “Submit.” This will give you a list of all pages/posts on this site that have been tagged with the terms you’ve specified.
- You can select any combination of tags, type a word or phrase into the search box below, and then click “Submit.” This will give you a list of all pages/posts on this site that have been tagged with the terms you’ve specified AND that include the word or phrase you have typed into the search box.
Tip For Searching Multiple Tags: If you select multiple tags, this means that all tags must apply to each page in order for that page to show up in the results. But what if you want all pages tagged with one tag and all the pages tagged with another tag to show up in one search, even if none of the pages are tagged with both tags? There is actually a way you can do that, but it requires an extra step. Here’s what you can do: (For sake of simplicity, I’ll use an example of selecting two tags.) Start by selecting the tags you want and entering a search as normal. You’ll notice that, in the URL, the tags are separated by a “+”. This is what makes it so that the pages must include both the tags you have selected. However, if you change the “+” to a “,” the results will include pages tagged with either tag (not requiring both tags for each page). As an example, if you select “author Lois Roden” and “author Trent Wilde” and then type “dead sea scrolls” into the search bar, you will be taken to the following URL ( and will have no results. This is because there is no page on this website with both Lois Roden and Trent Wilde tagged as the author. However, if you change the “+” to a “,” you will be taken to this URL (,author-trent-wilde/?s=%22dead%20sea%20scrolls%22) and the search results will include any page that includes the phrase “dead sea scrolls” so long as that page is tagged with either “author Lois Roden” or “author Trent Wilde” (without that page needing both tags).